

Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that is accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver training courses under the VET Quality Framework (VQF).

It is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) to deliver courses across Australia to international students. Courses and qualifications are nationally recognised and are delivered in accordance with ESOS Act 2000 (incorporating all legislation amendments till December 2021) and the National Code 2018.

Established as an education institute in 2008, Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd primarily focuses on delivering quality education that serves a valuable student experience and adds value to a student’s attributes and qualities, and producing a skilled workforce that caters to the needs of industry. Following its founding principle and objectives, Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd established Royal Greenhill Institute of Technology (RGIT) Australia in September 2008. 2024 is the 16th year anniversary for this esteemed institution. And through the years, Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd has continued to produce a many hundreds of workforce for the Australian economy, thus has been recognized as being an experienced and vibrant education enterprise that has continued to become a stronger, skilled and capable education institution. It has developed its operational and governance system to become more structured, vigorous and organised. Through its developments, it has established different Boards and Committees as part of its governance systems oversee the running of the day-to-day operations and to enhance and uplift its quality to higher standards.

Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd originally started delivering courses in Hospitality and Information Technology (IT), over time it has expanded its scope to over five different faculties, which include: Hospitality-(Commercial Cookery, Patisserie), Hospitality Management, IT, Business and Management, Health and Community Services, (Nursing, Child Care-ECEC, Community Services, Individual Support) and English. Recognizing its values and strengths, Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd operates under a group training concept and has divided itself to trade under different branding names. Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd is now an education group that delivers its scope under different brands; Royal Greenhill Institute of Technology (RGIT) Australia and Oakhill English School.

Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd understands the importance of establishing a robust governance system to form and control its structure, and its value to ensure a quality assurance system, thus has expanded its structure to various boards and committees to oversee the institute’s various operations.

The following are Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd’s Boards and Committees, which include its areas of its functions and members and their responsibilities, which allow the Board of Directors to acquire more confidence in the quality of its operations. The Board of Directors within the Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd is the supreme/highest decision-making body of this institution who is responsible for overall operations of the establishment.


The Executive Council is a primary decision-making body of Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia. The Executive Council is responsible for formulating and guiding the strategic directions in business, marketing and academic plans and makes critical business and operational decisions.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Set and implement strategic directions
  • Evaluate, coordinate and make critical decisions regarding business and operations of the Institute
  • Review performance and memberships of standing committees
  • Steer continuous improvement of the organisation
  • Set policy direction
  • Establish frameworks and guidelines
  • Monitor the ongoing performance and steer direction in accordance with the Institute’s needs
  • Establish principles and standards to be followed by institute staff


  • Company Director/Chief Executive Officer (Chair)
  • Operations Manager (Member)
  • Chief Financial Officer (Member)
  • Associate Director (Member)
  • Sub-members (as and when required):
    • Quality Assurance Manager (Co-Member)
    • Human Resources Manager/Team Lead (Co-Member)
    • Sales and Marketing / Business Development Manager (Co-Member)


The Specialist Advisory Board (herein “the Board”) has been established to inform the Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia and its Executive Council and CEO in matters relating to planning, standards, risk management and quality assurance arrangements. The Board responds to the strategic directions developed by the CEO and the CEO’s Senior Management Team/Executive Council.

Specifically, the responsibilities of the Board are the provision of advice to the CEO and his Senior Management around:

  • Planning: The form and nature of any strategic plan and the periodical review of how the organisation is progressing against defined targets or performance indicators. Governance and operational planning, and associated business cases – including organisational structure; management decisions; product development; articulation into higher education; opportunities for partnerships, including those in higher education; domestic and international market development; communication strategies, and student experience.
  • Standards: Ensuring that Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd observe all the requirements in the Standards and that appropriate structures and processes are in place to maintain academic standards. These will include robust processes for setting appropriate assessment and for ensuring that students achieve the learning outcomes specified for each award and for the level of each award as specified in the AQF, and that the expectations of all stakeholders are met.
  • Risk management: Periodically review the major education risks (e.g. to the quality of student experiences and outcomes, or to meeting the requirements of the Standards) which have been identified and whether Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd is adequately protected against them.
  • Quality assurance arrangements: Assisting with the cycles of monitoring, review and improvement.


  • TBA
  • TBA
  • Vlad Kowal (Member)
  • Dr Colleen Rolls (Member)


The purpose of the Academic Board is to oversee all aspects of the academic experience for Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia’s students. Maintaining academic excellence and the integrity of the Institute’s academic operations is the Academic Board’s primary responsibility. The Academic Board will consider the needs of all the Institute’s key stakeholders in making its recommendations and decisions relating to the quality of training and assessment of the Institute’s current and future education programs.

The functions include:

  • Provide academic and administrative expertise in the formation of short and long-term objectives for the Institute’s education programs
  • Development and implementation of appropriate policies and procedures
  • Oversee and monitor academic and administrative matters concerning students
  • Monitor the academic program design and delivery, and provide rulings and recommendations in regard to the Institute’s courses to staff on learning and teaching policy, delivery strategies, marketing and other initiatives and innovations that promote the interests of Institute including meeting legislative and professional requirements, the maintenance of academic standards and fostering high quality learning
  • Decisions will take the form of statements to the Institute’s staff, and the through minutes of meetings which contain decisions to be implemented by the Management of the Institute


  • Staff Professional Development / Higher Education Administrator (Chair)
  • Chief Executive Officer (Member)
  • Compliance Manager (Member)
  • Operations Manager (Member)
  • Academic Principal (Member)
  • Assistant Operations Manager (Member)
  • Quality Assurance Manager (Member)
  • Academic Coordinator – English (Member)
  • Academic Coordinator – Business and Information Technology (Member)
  • Academic Coordinator – Hospitality (Member)
  • Academic Coordinator – Community Services (Member)
  • Academic Coordinator – Nursing (Member)
  • Hobart Campus Manager (Member)
  • Hobart Operations Manager/Academic Coordinator (Member)
  • Student Services Manager (Member)
  • Compliance Advisor (External Member)

4. Risk Management, Quality Assurance and Compliance Committee


The Risk and Compliance Management Committee identifies, assesses and manages risks that may impact on the operational and academic function, and integrity of Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia to ensure the continued wellbeing of its student and other stakeholder community. The Committee ensures continuous research and analysis of internal and external organisational environments, with a view to managing all weaknesses, threats and opportunities, to enable continuous quality improvements, meeting necessary compliance requirements, overall stakeholder satisfaction and achieving competitive advantage. Its areas of interest include internal processes, audit compliance and reviews, occupational and environment health and safety issues, reputation management and emergency procedure planning.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Ensure meeting of all external regulatory compliance requirements, through development, maintenance and continuous improvement of the Institute’s quality assurance and compliance systems
  • Management of the Institute’s policies and procedures designed to foster good governance and academic credibility
  • Management of the Institute’s compliance tools, and analysis and findings of all institutional research efforts, designed to ensure maximum stakeholder satisfaction, good governance and competitive advantage
  • Monitor continuous improvements across the Institute’s structure, culture and processes
  • Monitor and maintain quality training and assessment tools, and validation methods for student satisfaction and compliance
  • Lead the charge and guide staff in preparation for meeting any audit or compliance requirements
  • Represent the Institute when meeting stakeholders to upheld the Institute’s ability to satisfy compliance requirements
  • Monitor, mentor and guide staff


  • Associate Director (Chair)
  • Chief Executive Officer (Member)
  • Quality Assurance Manager (Member)
  • Operations Manager (Member)
  • Chief Financial Officer (Member)
  • Compliance Advisor (External Member)

5. Student Welfare Committee


The Student Welfare Committees consists of dedicated teams that focus on the services available by Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia to assist students with their various issues, queries and concerns, which include but are not limited to financial difficulties, health, visas, lifestyle changes and homesickness. If professional services are required, such as psychological services, the student support and welfare counsellors will refer to the appropriate services. The committee are available as an on-campus dedicated team to support students and help with their needs. Where required, the committee will refer matters to the dedicated student services department who will assist students directly through their student support and welfare counsellors.

The committee conducts reviews of the current internal systems and operations, and identifies and establishes further needs and improvements suggestions to develop and strengthen the welfare and support system and methods, which will contribute to student development and improved experiences.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Provide support, assistance and advice to students or refer them to the appropriate services as and when required
  • Listen and deal with student concerns/issues and provide proper service and advice to students by following a thorough procedure
  • Take feedback from students regarding different areas of curriculum and addressing them
  • Conduct periodic meetings to talk over student welfare, organising activities and facilitating student interests
  • Document all relevant discussions and activities
  • Compile and maintain a list of referral services in the community to offer to students


Melbourne Committee

  • Operations Manager (Chair)
  • Business and Information Technology Coordinator (Member)
  • Assistant Operations Manager (Member)
  • Student Services Manager (Member)
  • Sales and Marketing Manager (Member)
  • Human Resources Officer (Member)
  • Executive Assistant to the CEO (Member)
  • Student Welfare Officer/Counsellor (Member)
  • Communications Team Lead (Member)
  • Student Graduate Alumni (Member)
  • Hobart Student Welfare Committee Chair (Member)

Hobart Committee

  • Hobart Campus Manager (Chair)
  • Hobart Operations Manager (Member)
  • Student Services Officer (Member)
  • Student Services Officer (Member)
  • Marketing Officer (Member)
  • Student Graduate Alumni (Member)
  • Melbourne Student Welfare Committee Chair (Member)

6. Complaints and Appeals Committee


The Complaints and Appeal Committee is responsible for investigating complaints and appeals formally lodged by students, forming resolutions and making recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer of RGIT Australia. Complaints and appeals made at a respective campus are conducted by the concerned campus, however these may be referred to the Head Office Committee for further examination and recommendations. The Committee oversees and provides recommendations for improvements to procedures relating to students complaints and appeals and is directly involved in dealing with formal complaints and attending the appeals for matters such as unsatisfactory attendance and/or unsatisfactory course progress.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Monitor and improve the complaints and appeals systems and processes of the Institute
  • Investigate formal complaints, make outcome decisions and provide resolutions
  • Attend to appeals
  • Counsel students and provide advice for further recommendations
  • Coordinate and make decisions regarding intervention strategies
  • Make recommendations to management regarding the complaints and appeals systems and improvements to policies, procedures and tools


  • Student Services Manager (Chair)
  • Operations Manager (Member)
  • Academic Principal (Member)
  • Sales and Marketing Manager (Member)

7. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Committee


The ICT Committee is responsible for managing the overall institutional ICT framework of Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia, including the requirements, resources, policies and procedures, and to ensure good governance and stakeholder satisfaction and accountability at all institutional levels. The Committee is required to provide advice and report to the Institute’s Management on matters pertaining to ICT infrastructure, in order for the Institute to maintain an ongoing satisfactory system. The Committee will govern the effective and efficient use of the Institute’s ICT and is responsible for operational accountability and decision making within the ICT framework to ensure efficient and effective management in all areas of ICT.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Develop, oversee and monitor strategic decisions with respect to both ICT architecture and investment
  • Recommend to Management on policies, structures and investment requirements for the development and maintenance of an ICT infrastructure suitable to the requirements of the Institute
  • Provide key input into the organisation’s planning and budgeting process in relation to ICT infrastructure
  • Monitor the performance of ICT services and investments
  • Monitor and provide recommendations to enhance the operational ICT requirements for training and assessment
  • Ensure ICT management policies and procedures are established and implemented including pathways for innovation
  • Ensure the efficient and timely delivery of ICT services to guarantee regulatory requirements, accreditation, auditing and reporting compliance needs are met and accurate
  • Provide compliance with requirements for security, privacy and resource use
  • Lead and manage projects for the implementation of new and improved ICT infrastructure and processes
  • Provide guidance to staff and implement the use of ‘how-to’ guides and trainings for further support and to encourage acceptance and following of procedures


  • Information Technology Support Manager (Chair)
  • Assistant Operations Manager (Member)
  • Research and Development Officer (Member)
  • Systems Administrator (Member)
  • Information Technology Support/Resources Officer (Member)
  • Communications Officer (Member)
  • Data Officer (Member)

8. Scholarship Committee


The Scholarships Committee is responsible for ensuring that all scholarships are allocated in accordance with the Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia’s policies and procedures, and are within the principles of equity and open competition. The Committee provides recommendations on the framework of the scholarships available to students by the Institute, and reviews applications and determine suitable recipients based on the merits of their application.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Monitor and provide recommendations to Management on policies, structures and applications requirements and assessments of the Institute’s scholarships
  • Ensure scholarships policies and procedures are established and implemented including the applications process, eligibility and assessment criteria and application of scholarships to a student’s enrolment
  • Ensure the efficient and timely assessment and communications of scholarships
  • Coordinate with the various departments the assessment of applications, and communication and application of scholarships to students
  • Review applications on the basis of their merit and in accordance with the assessment criteria
  • Communicate with students and stakeholders the outcomes of scholarship applications


  • Student Services Manager (Chair)
  • Operations Manager (Member)
  • Assistant Operations Manager (Member)
  • Academic Principal (Member)

9. Tuition Fees Determining Committee


The Tuition Fees Determining Committee is responsible for establishing tuitions fees for all courses delivered by Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia. The Committee’s scope covers tuition fees for the Institute’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) and short courses, for its international and domestic students cohorts.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Researching tuition fees being implemented by other institutes for competitive analysis
  • Reviewing fees for all courses and recommend necessary, logical and economically sustainable changes for required courses and students
  • Determine suitable course fees applicable to the relative student cohorts


  • Chief Executive Officer (Chair)
  • Operations Manager (Member)
  • Chief Financial Officer (Member)
  • Academic Principal (Member)
  • Sales and Marketing Manager (Member)

10. Staff and Students Events Committee


The Staff and Students Events Committee is responsible for overseeing and managing the events conducted by Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia. The Committee consists of a dedicated team of personnel from various departments to coordinate the project management of organising, implementing, conducting and following-up post event and gathering feedback for staff and students events held by the Institute, catering to the target audiences’ needs. The Committee oversees the management of events across all of the Institute’s campuses.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Identify and recommend to Management suitable events to be conducted by the Institute
  • Project manage the events and liaising with the various personnel (internal and external stakeholders) to coordinate a smooth operation of the event
  • Cater to target audiences’ needs and conduct events in a timely and effective manner
  • Ensure proper documentation and media coverage is utilised and retained for record keeping and promotional purposes
  • Conduct post-event survey with various stakeholders and putting together a report to provide to Management on the event and its successful features and areas of improvement recommendations
  • Communicate with students and stakeholders the features and occurrence of the event


  • Operations Manager (Chair)
  • Assistant Operations Manager (Member)
  • Academic Principal (Member)
  • Executive Assistant to the CEO (Member)
  • Student Services Manager (Member)
  • Human Resources Team Lead (Member)
  • Communications Team Lead (Member)
  • Graphic Designer (Member)
  • Hobart Campus Manager (Member)
  • Hobart Operations Manager (Member)

11. Surveys Management Committee


The Surveys Management Committee is responsible for overseeing the implementation and management of Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia’s surveys. The Committees ensures the abiding of the Institute’s guidelines and development to survey purpose and methodology, including the post-survey implementation to contribute to continuous improvement measures based on the results and findings. The Committee liaises with the relevant personnel to ensure wider research and participation is conducted through numerous surveys involving staff, students/trainees, employers, graduates and industry and community groups. Surveys conducted will have their results collected and data analysed, which will be used to contribute to evidence-based decision-making and forwarding recommendations to the Management.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Develop suitable policies, procedures and guidelines for Institute’s surveys and monitor the adherence to these areas
  • Ensure the Institute meets its reporting requirements for surveys as per compliance requirements
  • Recommend and changes to policy and process for improvements in the area of surveys
  • Receive and consider applications for permission to survey populations within the Institute or required population
  • Maintain all records of surveys conducted by the Institute
  • Conduct surveys, analyze results and provide recommendations to Management based on survey findings
  • Develop, monitor and maintain survey tools used
  • Advise to Management on recommendations for survey administration and procedure, and post-surveys continuous improvement based on findings
  • Liaise with Institute personnel involved in the implementation of surveys, providing guidance on all areas such as survey design, methodology, research methods, findings data analysis and continuous improvement recommendations
  • Develop and monitor the implementation strategies and timelines for surveys conducted
  • Advise on, and develop all survey reporting and analysis mechanisms
  • Recommend the most effective ways to communicate survey results across all necessary areas of the organisation and regulatory bodies
  • Assess the effectiveness of approved surveys once completed
  • Monitor application of legal and regulatory requirements relevant to surveys (such as privacy issues) and to recommend changes as appropriate


  • Quality Assurance Manager (Chair)
  • Research and Development Officer (Member)
  • Assistant Operations Manager (Member)
  • Human Resources Team Lead (Member)

12. Nursing Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Nursing Advisory Committee if to advise and provide recommendations on content and the direction in relation to Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia’s nursing programs to the Academic Board. The Committee oversees the Institute’s impute and engagement in relation to the Institute’s nursing programs and provide recommendations for development and improvements in accordance with industry standards and requirements.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Provide advice and recommendations to the Academic Board in relation to the elective selection of units of competency
  • Provide information and advice in relation to current health trends in Victoria (and rest of Australia)
  • Make recommendations and provide advice in relation to Victorian specific heath legislation that may impact on or require changes to the nursing course delivered by the Institute
  • Act as the Institute’s Validation Committee for the purpose of the validation of the Diploma of Nursing delivered by the Institute
  • Provide feedback and contribute when required, to the Academic Board (i.e. transition to the new standardised training packages)


  • Nursing Coordinator (Chair)
  • Quality Assurance Manager (Member)
  • Nursing Trainer and Assessor (Acute, Sub Acute) (Member)
  • Nursing Trainer and Assessor (Community) (Member)
  • Health Care Industry Representatives (Mental health) (External Member)
  • Health Care Industry Representatives (Aged Care) (External Member)

13. Admissions Committee


The purpose of the Admissions Committee is to maintain quality in the admissions acceptance of students into Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd trading as RGIT Australia’s course and to streamline the process of approval and issuance of Offer Letters and Confirmation of Enrolments (COEs). As the authority to review all international students’ applications, it will control the risk of visa acceptances and refusals, and ensure the maintenance of a satisfactory risk rating by the Institute.

The functions include (but are not limited to):

  • Contribute to the pre-enrolment and enrolment policies, procedures and guidelines and monitor the adherence to these areas
  • Ensure the Institute maintains a satisfactory risk rating
  • Receive, review and decide on international student applications
  • Ensure all applications meet the Institute’s entry requirements and the required supporting evidence documentation is supplied with the application
  • Develop and contribute to the tools used to assess applications
  • Advise to Management on recommendations for admissions policies and procedures, and continuous improvement based on applications received
  • Liaise with Institute personnel involved in the admissions process, providing guidance and training on all areas such as understanding the entry requirements, collecting the required documentation and continuous improvement recommendations


  • Operations Manager (Chair)
  • Sales and Marketing Manager (Member)
  • Student Services Manager (Member)
  • Hobart Campus Manager (Member)
  • Melbourne Campus – Offer Issuing Officer (Member)
  • Hobart Campus – Offer Issuing Officer (Hobart)
  • PTR Assessor (Member)
  • COE Issuing Officer (Member)
  • Melbourne Campus – Marketing Officers (Member)
  • Hobart Campus – Marketing Officer (Member)

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