Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Important Update for RGIT Australia Students, Agents

  • VET students to attend virtual classes effective 23 March
  • ELCIOS students to take 2 week’s holiday effective 23 March – updates to come
  • RGIT Australia buildings / facilities temporarily unavailable effective 23 March, student services and support to remain available via email / phone

On Wednesday 18 March, all students were notified via email and an update on our website of the measures RGIT Australia was enacting, and was planning to enact, in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.

Please be advised that while a government lockdown has not been announced by the authorities at the time of publication, RGIT Australia’s plan to enable Trainers and Teachers to work remotely is being enacted (effective Monday, 23 March). This, along with other measures RGIT Australia is implementing, are being enacted to limit the spread of COVID-19, and further safeguard all stakeholders, including students and staff.

Virtual Classes (VET Students)

Please be reminded that effective Monday, 23 March 2020, all face-to-face classroom training for RGIT Australia’s VET students will take place in virtual (online) classrooms with their Trainers using Zoom. VET students will receive the link to join the online training from their Trainers.

In case of exceptions for this arrangement, including the postponement of some classes, the students in those classes will be notified by their Course Coordinator directly.

ELICOS Students

RGIT Australia is implementing two (2) weeks’ holidays for all ELICOS (General English) students for students at RGIT Australia’s Melbourne and Hobart campuses from 23 March until Friday, 3 April 2020 (inclusive).

Further updates regarding the continuation of ELICOS classes will be provided soon.

Support for Students and Stakeholders

Please be advised that while RGIT Australia staff are working remotely, our Melbourne and Hobart buildings / facilities will be temporarily unavailable. In addition to Trainers delivering virtual (online) classes, RGIT Australia’s student support and administration staff will also continue to work remotely to support our students and stakeholders during this time. This includes support and welfare services and student counselling.

For more information on RGIT Australia’s student welfare and support services, please visit our website at

RGIT Australia is regularly updating its website at with the latest updates, and contact information will also be made available.

Contact Information

RGIT Australia has dedicated contact telephone numbers to respond to student queries relating to IT, student resources and all general enquiries. For assistance, please contact the below:

IT Support

Ph: 0416 358 829 (Melbourne Students)
Ph: 0416 343 983 (Hobart Students)

Student Resources (LMS / Didasko)

Ph: 0431 368 815

All General Enquiries

Ph: 1300 844 822

Please note: IT contact numbers are dedicated to IT-related matters only, and may experience a high volume of inbound calls during peak times. While our IT Support team endeavours to respond to every enquiry in a timely manner to ensure ease of learning for all students, we suggest that where possible, you direct IT-related queries to, and all other general enquiries to 1300 844 822.

Will Your Studies Be Impacted?
No. No major aspect of your studies, such as duration, submission of assessments, etc., will be impacted by attending virtual classes. However, students must attend all assigned virtual classes to maintain their academic progress and comply with their visa requirements.

Special Circumstances
Please contact us immediately if you think you will experience difficulty in accessing resources such as a computer or Internet access to complete the virtual training. For special assistance, please contact the below:

Phone: (03) 8639 9000 (Melbourne students) or (03) 6217 9000 (Hobart students).

RGIT Australia continues to monitor the novel coronavirus situation and will continue to provide updates as the situation evolves.

For the latest information provided by the Department of Health, please visit

Please know that all our staff, including your Trainers and Teachers are dedicated to supporting students during this difficult time. Should you have any queries or concerns, please contact RGIT Australia’s Student Services Department at or call (03) 8639 9000 (Melbourne) or 6217 9000 (Hobart).